Invitation To AGM at Hock Cellar May 2011
It is proposed that the Brentford Chamber ceases to fundraise directly for a nominated charity and instead offers more practical support by donating members’ time and expertise to help charities in a more useful way.
The executive committee have decided to not actively hold a stall at the Brentford Festival this year although they discussed sponsoring and otherwise facilitating a nominated charity’s own stall. With this and the cancellation of carol concert there is no obvious opportunity for the Chamber to fundraise for charities directly.
Although fundraising has been a positive way of showing support for local charities, it is arguable that the Brentford Chamber does much to support the local community and charities by promoting and encouraging business participation in local events such as St George’s Day celebrations, Christmas Lights dinner etc.
Additionally the executive have started discussing how the Chamber can help local charities and businesses by offering their non-financial support, with time, expertise and services being made available rather than the modest sums the Chamber can raise and that Chamber members would wish to contribute themselves.
It would also be hoped that publicising the Chamber’s practical and continued involvement in local charities, businesses and Brentford’s community would help raise our public profile. These activities would of course be reported back to the membership.
It is proposed therefore that we move away from the slightly patriarchal fundraising for charities and move forward to offering active support instead and no longer choosing a charity for the year. This is not to be seen as moving away from our charitable involvement but changing the manner of delivery.