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Invitation to February Meeting at the Musical Museum

Invitation to February Meeting at the Musical Museum

Musical_Museum Purple_Wurlitzer

Musical_Museum Purple_Wurlitzer

You are invited to an evening at the Musical Musem on 28th February centred around Heritage and Leisure. We shall bring together stakeholders in tourism, leisure and heritage, along with education and related businesses.Musical_Museum piano_roll

The Chamber event starts at 6.00pm with a drinks reception in the main gallery on the ground floor, to musical accompaniment by Catherine Lemonn on the violin and Annette Jezierska on the piano.

Starting at 6.45pm upstairs in the concert hall, presentations will include Richard Coles, curator of the Musical Museum and Penny Flood of NeighbourNet.

After these we shall enjoy a buffet supper and further networking. Please RSVP for catering purposes.


Should you not be sure where the Musical Museum is, please see the location and address on their website. The video below was made when the museum relocated to its current site.

Click to see The Musical Museum on YouTube



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