Invitation to Brentford Chamber AGM at Fullers Brewery
You are invited to our next General Meeting which is the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 15th May at The Hock Cellar, Fuller Smith and Turner, Griffin Brewery, Chiswick Lane South at 6pm for a 6.30pm start ( Map Showing Location of Hock Cellar). .
There is a tour of the brewery departing at 5:15pm prompt with limited places so please let us know if you’d like to go on the tour.
This will be Peter’s final meeting as President after 4 years so we shall be electing a new President for the year to come.
This year we are delighted to have our food provided by Brentford’s very own Lord Nelson, who will be offering canapés while we’re gathering and then a buffet after the formalities.
Ballymore and ISIS will have their latest planning developments on show.
We’d like to thank Fullers for sponsoring the food and drink, as well as for hosting us at The Hock Cellar.
Members are welcome to join our executive committee. Please get in touch if you would like to find out more.
Thank you to all those who have renewed their membership. If you have not done so before the AGM you will not be entitled to vote.
The Agenda is as follows:
- Welcome
- Apologies
- Minutes of the AGM –
Brentford Chamber of Commerce Minutes of May AGM 2011
- Matters Arising from the Minutes
- President’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Secretary’s Report
- Retirement of Executive Council
- Nominations – Election to Executive Council
- Election of Auditor
- Election of Solicitors
- Nomination of Garth Buckle as Honorary Member
- Any Other Business
New Members: Ballymore (David Laycock), Blond Events (Jan Riley), Brentford FC CST (Paul Skelhorn), CS Interiors (Kris Krzyzanowski), Maydek (Derek Zwirn), Mediation Chambers (Sarah Poland), MW Marketing (Mark Wardell)