Celebrating Spark!’s Year
Joanna Russell, Vice-President of Brentford Chamber went along to Watermans Arts Centre on Friday afternoon for the Spark! Summer event. It was an excellent couple of hours.
The audience started in the theatre where Andrew Dakers thanked his team and spoke briefly about the student placements this year, how they are working with education and business to prepare students for working life, and asking for volunteers to opt into the scheme.
Spark! has a short film competition and the winner from 10 shortlisted entrants was Ben Steel with a film called Trouble. We were shown a short film about Ben and his idea and were introduced to the cast. We then saw Trouble which is a 20 minute film about a boy whose sister had been killed by one of a local gang and his quiet revenge. It was a dark and powerful film. Well scripted, professionally shot and brilliantly acted. Directed by Andrew and Ben with the help of some professionals Richie Rich and Green Banana.
With this now ‘in the can’ they will be entering it for other competitions. Watch out for Ben Steel in the future. He is a dynamic, charming and inspirational young man. A new competition for 2015 has just been launched.
Outside we were entertained with drinks and Indian canapes. I enjoyed talking to the cast and especially Ben, and hearing their views on how Spark! has helped and supported them. I spoke to the deputy head of Chiswick School, James Whiting, where Ben is at school.