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CLBS student wins Brentford Dragons 2016

CLBS student wins Brentford Dragons 2016

Paing Khant scooped first prize

Business-minded students from the University of West London have been pitching their ideas to a panel of local industry leaders at ‘Dragons’ Den’ style events over the last year.

The competition, which was run in conjunction with Brentford Chamber of Commerce, saw students presenting a variety of original business ideas to the ‘Brentford Dragons’.

With the winner receiving a cash prize of £1000, the coveted Dragons Den Trophy and invaluable mentorship from business leaders, the final was fantastic and students impressed the judges with their creative ideas.

University of West London

Paing Khant, a first year Business Management with Entrepreneurship student, scooped first place with his idea of sharing the Burmese iconic dish, Lahpat, with the world. It is Paing’s goal to introduce Burma’s unique snack into stores across the UK; he wants everyone to experience Lahpat. This he will do initially through a pop-up stall (Burmese tea shop) in a popular food market in Soho, and then thereafter through a chain of restaurants, or tea shops.

Other finalists were:

Ugo Ekpo (Cyber Security graduate, School of Computing and Engineering) – He sought to create a company that could provide cyber security consultancy and analysis to SMEs, who currently find it hard to access such services.

Omar Sultan; Safwan Anmed; Mahdi Gazi (First year Business Studies with Marketing, The Calude Littner Business School) – Omar, Safwan and Madhi seek to provide a platform for customers and mechanics to communicate in the auto repair sphere. Their app seeks to open up customers to the options available, giving them more flexibility and choice, as well as better value for money when it comes to maintaining and repairing their vehicles.

Bernadette Abu (MBA student, The Claude Littner Business School) – Her proposal was to set up an App that would allow students to navigate university better; specifically through better networking with persons from their background and allowing for better informal contact with university staff and facilities.

Fransisco Salazar (Masters in Luxury Hospitality Management, London Geller College of Hospitality and Tourism) – This team developed an online recruitment database that will make it easier to network and job search from all across the industry. The database, called Hotedin, seeks to simplify and regulate the hospitality industry and job market; making it simple for people to find their next career step.

Ku Azfarhadi (Third year Business Studies with Finance student, The Claude Littner Business School) – His proposal is to create a new multifunctional app-based child monitoring and communication device. TracKKID reinvents the traditional baby monitors into a simple bracelet form that is equipped with a built in microphone, GPS locator, heartbeat monitoring and body temperature monitoring.


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